First of all, the word Viera is pronouced v-ie-ra.
What is Viera CLI?
Viera CLI is a command line tool for template scaffolding. No long sentences needed to explain what it does. It's a tool that helps you generate boilerplate code for your projects.
Why Viera CLI?
I started working on Viera around early 2024 as a side project (I abandoned it and came back to it later). It is meant to be a simple CLI tool for developers to scaffold projects with ease.
You may ask:
We already have a lot of template scaffolding tools, why Viera?
I wanted to create a tool that just doesn't allow to setup a project with templates but to also allow developers to create their own templates and share them with the community or use personally.
This feature is not yet available but is anticipated to be shipped in the near future.
Available templates as of the current stage
- NextJS (Javascript and Typescript). Versions - 15
- Laravel. Version - 11
- React + Vite
The CLI would probably be used and developed actively at Maaxdo Technologies for internal use. This is because it is still in it's early stage of development and is not as stable like other tools.
External contributions and feedbacks are still welcome. You can contribute to the project at the GitHub repository Just create a branch and make a pull request.
I am excited about the future of the project and all the possibilities that it holds.